The staged redevelopment of your own home is an intensely personal experience affecting the daily life of those you love for the greater good. My own experience has been to rework a sandstone villa in Wayville on three occasions to adapt and alter the building fabric to cater for the changing needs and demands of a family over 28 years.
The architectural approach is respectful of the 1908 building fabric whilst adding contemporary additions to the rear and into the roof space to minimise the building footprint and impact on the mature garden setting.
Perringa is our latest labour of love at Strathalbyn. Built in 1911, the property is listed on the local heritage register. We regard ourselves as the custodians of this historically and culturally significant place. We will be in the process of restoration, upgrading and adaption for some time.
Over the years, I have undertaken a range of alteration and addition commissions to residential accommodation in Millswood, Glenelg East and Wayville. Other work includes affordable housing in Mile End and a country retreat in Currency Creek.
An article “Architecture that grows with the family” by Bension Siebert appeared in the INDAILY Adelaide Independent news online publication on the 17 February 2015.