SPW Early Learning Centre Expansion
The 75-place facility constructed in 2006 was expanded and reworked in 2016 to cater for 120 places providing a long day care service with a purposeful and engaging program emphasising inquiry, sensory learning experiences and interconnectedness.
SPW have experienced increased enrolments with long wait lists for the 2, 3 and 4-Year Old Programs with positive transitions from ELC to Primary School. Strong emotional and social improvements for student preparedness for Foundation are also evident.
There are now a range of purposeful and delightful indoor and outdoor spaces including the Village Square and Nature Play where students and staff come together, creating a sense of community and belonging. The nurturing, calm and homely environments support student learning and physical well-being.
This project was Winner in the Learning Environments Australasia SA Chapter Awards in the Category for Renovations and Modernisation under $2M in 2017. Refer to the Jury Citation.